RG Kar Doctor’s Murder Case Updates: আরজি করকাণ্ডে পদক্ষেপে ‘চমক’ রাজ্য প্রশাসনের

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RG Kar Doctor’s Murder Case Updates: আরজি করকাণ্ডে পদক্ষেপে ‘চমক’ রাজ্য প্রশাসনের।


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  1. 17

    Don't let these protests stop. This state is ruined at its core. This is clearly a fine work of politics. We need presidencial rule in west bengal. There's still time for us, we (the 'we have had enough' people) must not forget the tracks and this isn't gonna stop. It's like a chain reaction and every passing day is gonna affect us with more intensity each time. We have to stop these hooligans at every nerve of our state once and for all. This is not Netaji's Bengal this is not even Bengal anymore. Let's stand strong and together and face it. If not today someone among us will be the victim again. Brothers and sisters let's not endure this anymore if not for us or our families then for our future generations I know none of you would want to give birth to a child at a place like this. This is not acceptable 'they' must be punished and put into the right place. We must not suffer anymore it's enough. Let's not suffer anymore. We must not stop this wave, we will not stop this wave, we want change in this state at its core and we have to make the changes as soon as possible. It is high time now. Let's not stop what we started. RGKAR incident is just another match stick in the box how many more do we need to create a spark and finally make the blast. They did enough and they have had their time it's our time to rise and show those burdens on this soil how to run a state and establish a healthy system in the society.

  2. 22

    Ekhon sandip Ghosh ke koreche ba ki na koreche tatei apnara beshi focus korchen. Jei issue ta main sheta te concentrate korun. Meye take ke ba kara rape korlo, who all tortured her, who all were involved in this heinous crime? Ekhon shudhu dekhchi in every news channel, u guys are concentrating on sandip Ghosh and what scams he did. Main issue ta ke apnara bhule jacchen. Sandip Ghosh ke CBI arrest korche na keno?

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