In Urdu Humayun means Fortunate. British Historian Lanepone castigated about his name for his dismal failure in all affairs. The name Kalyaanmoy has brought untold sufferings to the deserving candidates of Bengal. None can escape nemesis sooner or later because God never forgives the sinner. Truth must pay in the long run. Nothing can be gained by chicanery.
21st Sep 2022দেখ তৃণমূল ,ঠেলাই না পড়লে বিড়াল গাছে চড়েনা।
যেমন বি,এস,অফ, ,পুলিশের কাজ করছে। কারন ,
1000 অনুব্রত মধ্যে আর একটা অনুব্রত কে ED যাতে না ধরেন।,,
21st Sep 2022এরপর কোন্ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের উপাচার্যের পালা! তাকিয়ে আছে বঙ্গবাসী!
21st Sep 2022এসব আইওয়াশ (eye wash) তোলামূলের।
21st Sep 2022More these will be shown on TV, it will have a bad effect on society. These criminals should be kept in prison permanently to save society.
21st Sep 2022In Urdu Humayun means Fortunate. British Historian Lanepone castigated about his name for his dismal failure in all affairs. The name Kalyaanmoy has brought untold sufferings to the deserving candidates of Bengal. None can escape nemesis sooner or later because God never forgives the sinner. Truth must pay in the long run. Nothing can be gained by chicanery.
21st Sep 2022পূজোর আগে গঙ্গায় দিয়ে আরও অনেক জল বয়ে যাবে।